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Modal of the day: CAN

How we can use it


  1. Expressing Ability: “She can solve complex math problems effortlessly.”

    • This sentence shows that someone has the ability or skill to do something.
  2. Asking for Permission: “Can I leave the table?”

    • Here, “can” is used to ask for permission to do something.
  3. Making Requests: “Can you pass me the salt, please?”

    • In this instance, “can” is used to politely request someone to do something.
  4. Offering Help or Services: “We can help you move on Saturday.”

    • This sentence offers assistance or service, indicating the speaker’s ability to help.
  5. Expressing Possibility: “It can get very cold in the desert at night.”

    • “Can” is used here to indicate that something is possible.

These sentences show the versatility of “can” in expressing abilities, asking for permission, making requests, offering help, and discussing possibilities.

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Famous person of the day

Marilyn Monroe, a name that shines brightly in the world of cinema, represents not only the glamour of Hollywood’s golden era but also the complexities beneath it. Born on June 1, 1926, in Los Angeles, California, Marilyn Monroe’s journey from a troubled childhood to becoming a global icon is a tale of resilience and transformation.

Marilyn, whose real name was Norma Jeane Mortenson, faced many challenges early in life, including a series of foster homes and an orphanage. Despite these hardships, she dreamt of becoming an actress. Her dreams began to take shape when she was discovered by a photographer while working in a munitions factory during World War II. This chance encounter led to a successful modeling career, and soon after, she dived into the world of acting.

Monroe’s early roles in movies were small, but her undeniable charm and talent quickly caught the attention of audiences and filmmakers alike. By the early 1950s, she had become one of the most sought-after actresses in Hollywood. Marilyn Monroe was known for her roles in films like “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes,” “The Seven Year Itch,” and “Some Like It Hot.” Her ability to portray characters with both sensuality and innocence made her a beloved figure on the silver screen.

Beyond her cinematic achievements, Monroe was a complex figure grappling with personal issues. Despite her fame and beauty, she struggled with insecurity, depression, and the pressures of being constantly in the public eye. Her marriages, including those to baseball legend Joe DiMaggio and playwright Arthur Miller, were highly publicized and contributed to her personal struggles.

Marilyn Monroe’s life, unfortunately, came to a tragic end on August 5, 1962, when she passed away at the young age of 36 under circumstances that remain the subject of speculation and conspiracy theories. Despite her premature death, Marilyn Monroe’s legacy endures. She remains an emblem of beauty, talent, and vulnerability. Monroe’s journey from a forgotten child to a Hollywood legend continues to inspire many, reminding us of the power of resilience in the face of adversity.

Marilyn Monroe’s story is not just about her as an actress but also about her spirit and determination. Her life teaches us about the importance of pursuing our dreams, regardless of the obstacles we face. Monroe’s lasting impact on culture, fashion, and cinema makes her an unforgettable icon whose influence transcends time.

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hasznos szavak és kifejezések

  • Cinema: mozi, filmvilág
  • Glamour: ragyogás, báj
  • Hollywood’s golden era: Hollywood aranykora
  • Complexities: bonyodalmak, összetettség
  • Resilience: ellenálló képesség, rugalmasság
  • Transformation: átalakulás
  • Troubled childhood: problémás gyermekkor
  • Foster homes: nevelőotthonok
  • Orphanage: árvaház

hasznos szavak és kifejezések

  • Actress: színésznő
  • Discovered: felfedezett
  • Photographer: fényképész
  • Munitions factory: lőszergyár
  • Modeling career: modellkarrier
  • Acting: színészkedés, színjátszás
  • Charm: báj, vonzerő
  • Talent: tehetség
  • Sought-after: keresett, nagyon kívánt

hasznos szavak és kifejezések

  • Sensuality: érzékiség
  • Innocence: ártatlanság
  • Silver screen: ezüstvászon (mozi)
  • Personal issues: személyes problémák
  • Insecurity: bizonytalanság
  • Depression: depresszió
  • Public eye: nyilvánosság szeme előtt
  • Highly publicized: nagyon nyilvános, széles körben híresített
  • Tragic end: tragikus vége
  • Speculation: spekuláció, találgatás

hasznos szavak és kifejezések

  • Conspiracy theories: összeesküvés-elméletek
  • Legacy: örökség
  • Emblem: jelkép
  • Vulnerability: sebezhetőség
  • Spirit: szellem, lélek
  • Determination: elszántság
  • Obstacles: akadályok
  • Influence: befolyás, hatás
  • Transcends time: időn túlmutat

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